Friday 3 June 2011


 A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

 A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

 A policeman accidentally arrested a judge who had dressed as a convict for a costume party. That cop learned never to book a judge by his cover.

 Old lawyers never die they just lose their appeal.

 The judge refused to pronounce a long sentence, arguing that it was beyond his jury's diction.

 An autobiography is an I-witness account.

 Bank ad: Come in and see us if you are loan-ly.

 I know a lingerie buyer who gave his wife the slip.

Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does Milk.

In order to get a Loan, you first need to prove that you don't need it.

All the desirable things in life are either illegal, expensive or fattening.

Since Light travels faster than Sound, people appear brighter before you hear them speak.

Everyone has a scheme of getting rich...... which never works.

If at first you don't succeed.... Destroy all evidence that you ever tried.

You can never determine which side of the bread to butter. If it falls down, it will always land on the buttered side.

Anything dropped on the floor will roll over to the most inaccessible corner.

 42.7% of all statistics is made on the spot.

As soon as you mention something...... if it is good, it is taken.... If  it is bad, it happens.

He who has the gold, makes the rules ---- Murphy's golden rule.

If you come early, the bus is late. If you come late...... the bus is still late.

Once you have bought something, you will find the same item being sold somewhere else at a cheaper rate.

When in a queue, the other line always moves faster and the person in front of you will always have the most complex of transactions.

If you have paper, you don't have a pen....... If you have a pen, you don't have paper...... if you have both, no one calls.

One Liners

What did the lonely banana say? I'm akela.
What did the green peas say? Nothing. They just muttered.
What did the potato say when it answered the phone? Aaloo? 
Where do cauliflowers hang out? In the Gobi desert.
What did the flower say to its girlfriend? Why do phools fall in love? 
What did the confused egg say? I don't unda-stand. 
What language do carrots speak? Gajar-ati. 
What did the fat car say? I'm a mota car.


“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” -W. Clement Stone
Better the attitude, higher the altitude. – Ba Ba Baalkee
To different minds, the same world is a hell and a heaven. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Of two people of similar education, skill and intelligence, one will succeed because of positive attitude and the other will fail due to his negative attitude. If others have a bad attitude toward you, may be, you also feel toward them the same way. If you are reaping bad attitudes, most likely you sowed them. You may call something “useless,” while others may say, “That’s great!” Looking at a roti, if you are used to eating Nan and Paratha, you will say, “What a sookhi roti?” But a starving person will thank God for it.
Your belief about things and your thoughts about life is Attitude. It is a way of thinking and looking at things and happening to and around you. While growing up, you take views on everything you see, hear or experience. Later on, it becomes your attitude.
Attitude can be defeating, positive, negative, escapist, indifferent or a blend of all these. Attitude determines what you are or may become in life. Attitude is more important than determination, dedication and discipline. It keeps changing and evolving till the age of 40 after which major change is difficult. Upgrade your attitude for 21 days and see change in your life.

What you focus on expands. If you focus on plenty, you will create abundance. If you focus on lack of something, you will create lack. To change your life, embrace positude. It is the key to success or failure. Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it (positude). Do everything to succeed in life.
Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.  -- Earl Nightingale

He controls his reactions, feelings and emotions. Reacts positively to all events.
Knows that he can control himself, but not the external world.
Is responsible for his decisions and willing to face the consequences without blaming others.
Lifts himself up when sorrow strikes, consoling himself for being spared of a bigger calamity.

A positive mind is a mind liberated from pettiness and selfishness.
a.     The only thing in your complete control is your mental attitude.
b.     Positude attracts opportunities for success.
c.     Success attracts success and failure attracts more failure.
d.     A positive mind finds a way to do things.
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.”  William James

i. Remain Enthusiastic
It is a valuable personality trait and a big factor in successful living. Think and talk enthusiastically. Remain enthusiastic by acting enthusiastic. Your thoughts and actions maintain your level of enthusiasm.
Be Alive to Everything You Do. Put a bounce in your step. Walk fast. A vigorous handshake is indicative of your gladness to be alive. A good smile radiates enthusiasm. Varyg the tempo, raise and lower the pitch by changing the tone and modulation and put spirit into your speech Forcibly act with enthusiasm; soon you will feel enthusiastic.
ii. Visualize Success
Imagination influences successful results. Visualization ensures success. Before trying to do anything, and visualize doing it well with closed eyes.
Self Confidence: Shed doubt: A mind full of doubts and confusion cannot be positive. An uncertain and fearful mind cannot appreciate the sweetness of a positive thought thriving in a mind free from petty prejudices. Stand up to your obstacles. They are weaker than you imagine.  How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. Go at life with abandon; give it all you've got. And life will give to you all it has. 
iii. Decide to Be Positive every moment
Start the day with a positive thought. We experience approx. 20,000 positive/negative/neutral moments daily. One positive moment can change your life. A word of encouragement by a teacher or a boss works wonders. Keep positude in painful times; remember: this too shall pass. Indulge in positive self-talk.
What we think is fully reflected in how we feel. Remember "I'm Healthy! Wealthy! Happy! I do what I should do, when I should do it! I love myself!" Think about the future and focus on the solution. If you mentally control the situation, you will always be positive and cheerful.
iv. Positive affirmation: Smile and the brain will respond accordingly - facial expression comes before the brain acts. To ingrain a positive action, build spirit and enthusiasm. Just nod YES and activate your brain. Nodding is self-validation that makes you feel good about your thoughts.  By nodding your head up and down, you develop confidence in yourself. Nod your head to affirm positude.
Optimism activates your amygdale (a part of brain) that increases your ability to create positive response to life's challenges. Face the reality of your current situation, identify what you can’t change and work on what you CAN change or improve.  
vi. Think about the Solution
Don’t waste time cursing the problem. Begin thinking in terms of positive solution. Be as positive as you want and think about the future and focus on the solution.
vii. Take a break: When in low spirits, take a break- a short drive out or a vacation to Khandala.  Call on a friend and chat.  Talking things out helps you to see the good in a bad situation.  This is a therapeutic cure to a rough day.
“Today's sorrow hides in its bosom the joys of tomorrow. Sow the seeds of success in the soil of adversity. The rains that ruined your paths would soon make the earth green and abundant. In the womb of loss is the seed of gain. The storms and tempests that devastate life also enable us to start life afresh. The night that invokes fearful thoughts also reveals the beauty and majesty of star filled heavens.”

Our relationships, careers and lives will be more fulfilling if we increase the flow of positude around us. Answer the following questions to ascertain your impact, whether high, some or low:
Name:                                                                                                  Date:
I helped or praised someone today. I told someone that I care about him.

I am a courteous person.

I like being with positive people and am more productive in their company

I have a knack for making other people feel good

I make it a point to get acquainted with people wherever I go

When I receive recognition, I me want to give recognition to someone else

In the last week, I listened to someone talking about his goals and ambitions

I make unhappy people laugh, I smile at the people I meet

I call my associates by the name they like to be called

Repeat the exercise at weekly intervals initially and at monthly intervals after 10 weeks.
In due course, your work will become more productive, your colleagues and customers will be more satisfied and you will enjoy closer relationships with everyone. You will be healthier, happier and well on your way to longer life
NEW MANNER OF SPEECH: A positive person is a sum of thought + speech + action + attitude. Criticise the behaviour, not the person. Be specific and realistic in your requests. Don’t threaten but do use assertive language. 

POSITIVE AFFIRMATION: Everything you believe, feel, think, do and say is an affirmation of who you are and who you want to be. Change your core beliefs and predominant repetitive self-talk. Contradict a negative thought with positive thought. Smile and the brain will respond accordingly -facial expression comes before the brain acts. To ingrain a positive action, build spirit and enthusiasm.

LOOK FORWARD TO SOMETHING: When you expect some mail, you check the mailbox each day, with anticipation.  Jo maza intezar meni vo vasle yar mein kahan? To stay excited keep special events -holidays, birthdays and vacations in mind. 
CHAT WITH A FRIEND: Call a friend and chat.  Talking things out helps you to see the good in a bad situation.  This is a very therapeutic and effective cure to a rough day.
POSITIVE SELF IMAGE: Amazing things happen when people are encouraged, recognized and praised. Your views about yourself, your strengths and self-esteem are shaped by the quality of your interactions with people. Family members, friends, acquaintances and even strangers leave a profound impact on your self-image.
“Today's sorrow hides in its bosom the joys of tomorrow. Sow the seeds of success in the soil of adversity. The rains that ruined your paths would soon make the earth green and abundant. In the womb of loss is the seed of gain. The storms and tempests that devastate life also enable us to start life afresh. The night that invokes fearful thoughts also reveals the beauty and majesty of star filled heavens.”
SHED DOUBT: A mind full of doubts and confusion cannot be positive. An uncertain, fearful mind cannot appreciate the sweetness of a positive thought which thrives in a mind free from petty prejudices.
SELF TRUST: Stand up to your obstacles. They do not have half the strength you imagine.  How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself.  Go at life with abandon; give it all you've got. And life will give to you all it has. Have trust.
OPTIMISM: Optimism activates your amygdala (part of brain) that increases your ability to create positive answers to life's challenges. Anything- good or bad- happening to you offers this choice. Face the reality of your current situation, identify what you can’t change, and work on what you CAN change or improve.  
JUST NOD “YES,” Activate your brain by nodding your head “yes.” Nodding serves as self-validation that makes you feel good about your thoughts.  Nod your head up and down to tell yourself that you have confidence in your thoughts. Shaking your head gives you less confidence.  Nod your head to affirm that you hold a positive, "intelligent optimist" attitude.
Mere information, knowledge or wishful thinking will not change your life.  Power comes through the application of knowledge. Choose and create your destiny. Choose power over impotence and achievement over failure.
FOUCS ON FEW: Focus on a few things that you can do well to boost your positive attitude. When things get a little tense, just say to yourself "I can do this" or "Let's concentrate on a solution, not who caused the problem".
Instead of recounting the difficulties, write your accomplishments. End each day on a positive note by jotting down the three best tasks. Focus on your accomplishments, pat yourself on the back and recognize progress, even when small.
Be ready and willing to forgive yourself, heal your past and accept yourself unconditionally. Free yourself from fear, want and attachment. Have faith and conviction, unconditional love and compassion. 
If you want to improve, try not being yourself. Copy successful and happier people. Identify your weaknesses. Look for those qualities in your role models. Confidently emulate them. Accept responsibility for everything that happens to you. Do not blame others for your failures. Do not blame your spouse, parents, friends, boss, colleagues or society. Choose the best options, the correct response and the right action. Control your thoughts and actions.

By engaging in positude therapy daily, you can improve your:
a. Job performance: Optimists outperform pessimists. Optimism tests are used while hiring new recruits. Optimistic employees consistently outsell others. Your work place will be more productive.
b. Physical health
Optimists identify health problems early and seek treatment. Optimists achieve more as they expect more and work persistently toward their goals. Develop the faith to prevent and control diseases effectively. Every morning, choices of positive attitudes, creativity, enthusiasm, love, faith and hope are waiting for you. Be healthy by thinking healthy and your soul becomes morally clean. Optimists visit a doctor less than pessimists. Increased positive emotions reduces healthcare cost. Your colleagues and customers will be more satisfied and engaged. You will enjoy closer relationships with your family and friends
c. Positive emotions:
       i.    Protect you from negative emotions
      ii.    Fuel resilience and transform people
     iii.    Broaden your thinking to discover new lines of thought/action
    iv.   Improve group performance (if leader expresses more positive emotions )
d. Productivity: Positude enables you to face challenges with confidence and power. Seeing firm determination colleagues collaborate with you and you reach towards your goal faster.
e. Positude is contagious.
You are only a few inches away from responding with hope instead of fear, with encouragement instead of criticism, with belief instead of despair. If you are dissatisfied with yourself you will never manage anything. Fear of failure arises out of indecision and lack of confidence which disappear in the face of positude. Don't let the fear of missing the shot prevent you from scoring the game winning goal. Take a shot at winning.  Develop positude.
"I will say this about being an optimist; even when things don't turn out well, you are certain they will get better." Frank Hughes
Once you have the momentum – keep it going. Keep the momentum for three hours/three days/three weeks. Even if you see just darkness ahead or feel disillusioned/frustrated, don’t give up. Success is round the corner. Start afresh with a new resolve and vigour and things would be better.
When you are breaking down and can’t take it anymore, you are about to break through. If you are dreaming big, have planning, preparation, punctuality, perseverance, positive attitude and persistence in abundance.
